Is an inevitable part of life. All things change, grow, overcome and adapt, in fact I think that without change we feel our lives grow stagnant and unproductive. Here at IPG we have made it through our Summer of change. It’s been pretty busy, crazy, and at times not as productive as we would have liked. This summer we said goodbye to 3 amazing people who have been a great part of IPG.  Jacob Ritter was our Summer Intern and was a great help in client relations, Lisa Homel who turned a small 3 month temporary stay with us into an incredible 7 months of amazing progress, and Erica Smith our long time office manager and executive assistant. They each have played an important role in making IPG what it is today and we have and will miss them. But time requires that we move on and we are growing and changing to adapt to our new circumstances. My name is Tammy Zaelit and I am the new Executive Assistant and Office Manager at IPG. While I have only been here for 3 weeks, I cannot help but be impressed by what has been built before I got here and the plans for the future. IPG is a company focused more on people and how we can help them, than we are on just selling Real Estate.   I have been so impressed with how each of our clients are discussed and worried over, trying to make sure that we are filling their needs and the needs of their business in a way that will make their new change into a better and brighter future. Here at IPG we are coming to understand that all great changes are preceded by periods of change. So as the dust settles from our change and we move on to better and brighter things, we are remembering the words of Joe Vitale, “You don’t fear change. You fear the unknown. If you knew the future would be great, you’d welcome the change to get there. Well, the future IS great. Proceed.” We believe that your future is great as well and we look forward to helping you proceed!

