Sustainability Through an Industrial Lense

Sustainability is always a topic that should be followed closely, it is forward-thinking that allows us to leave the world better than we found it. So many initiatives empower us to improve our world and the direction of our planet's sustainability. Our President and Managing Broker Michael Jeppesen has been a LEED AP or Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design Accredited Professional since 2006. Michael’s passion for improving our world is inspiring and leads others in the IPG office to make environmentally friendly decisions. Not only is Michael LEED certified, but our IPG office is as well and in 2010 the building was awarded a LEED silver award for being sustainable in multiple categories. This effort is a perfect example of how one person leading the charge towards a cleaner earth can have a domino effect for others to also make the change. 

This same effort is now being seen in the industrial market due to companies being asked to reveal greenhouse gas emissions. Developers of industrial buildings are finding ways to build a net-zero energy and carbon-neutral building. With the help of sustainability consulting firms like Gaia, developers can now use the LEED Volume program which provides an environmentally friendly design to follow to ensure that the building is LEED certified. IPG’s Vice President and Senior Property Manager Chris Delong is very familiar with the effort it takes to create a sustainable building. He has made efforts to incorporate roof-top solar panels, LED lights/light studies, bee-keeping, and environmentally friendly HVAC systems to infuse sustainability into the industrial environment of each building he oversees. Michael, Chris, and many others have made strong efforts and contributions to make the world a cleaner place and with the path that developers are taking, industrial buildings across the country will be able to have the same effect.