
Thoughts on industrial real estate, bbq recipes and other meaningful things. 

Busy Times for Everyone!



Holy Moly!!! (As my wife likes to say) This has been another very active and gratifying year so far. I read recently a commentary that said we will look back on this period of time as the "Golden Era" for industrial real estate. It is easy to imagine that being true.  IPG Commercials involvement in several market shaping deals has continued this year as in 2015 and 2016.  The northwest quadrant of Salt Lake City is as exciting of a development area as any I have seen in the entire country.

Our successes have also afforded us the opportunity and pleasure to travel substantially more this year, both for business and pleasure.  I'm headed to Chicago today for the SIOR Fall World Conference, after just returning home late last week from 3 weeks in Europe and Africa.  The big question for me and what I challenge both friends and family to ponder: Is your "busy" getting you where you want and need to be in your life?  Are you fulfilled or depleted, or some of both? I am pushing myself to take responsibility for creating my life and making choices that make my life better and allow me to serve others to hopefully make their lives better as well.

I hope for you joy and gratitude in your search for a balanced "busy".

Michael Jeppesen SIOR, CCIM, LEED AP
IPG Commercial Real Estate
(801) 580-5295




Is an inevitable part of life. All things change, grow, overcome and adapt, in fact I think that without change we feel our lives grow stagnant and unproductive. Here at IPG we have made it through our Summer of change. It’s been pretty busy, crazy, and at times not as productive as we would have liked. This summer we said goodbye to 3 amazing people who have been a great part of IPG.  Jacob Ritter was our Summer Intern and was a great help in client relations, Lisa Homel who turned a small 3 month temporary stay with us into an incredible 7 months of amazing progress, and Erica Smith our long time office manager and executive assistant. They each have played an important role in making IPG what it is today and we have and will miss them. But time requires that we move on and we are growing and changing to adapt to our new circumstances. My name is Tammy Zaelit and I am the new Executive Assistant and Office Manager at IPG. While I have only been here for 3 weeks, I cannot help but be impressed by what has been built before I got here and the plans for the future. IPG is a company focused more on people and how we can help them, than we are on just selling Real Estate.   I have been so impressed with how each of our clients are discussed and worried over, trying to make sure that we are filling their needs and the needs of their business in a way that will make their new change into a better and brighter future. Here at IPG we are coming to understand that all great changes are preceded by periods of change. So as the dust settles from our change and we move on to better and brighter things, we are remembering the words of Joe Vitale, “You don’t fear change. You fear the unknown. If you knew the future would be great, you’d welcome the change to get there. Well, the future IS great. Proceed.” We believe that your future is great as well and we look forward to helping you proceed!



Inland Port?


Utah Government leaders at the state, county and city levels are discussing the possibility of an Inland Port. An inland port is an intermodal transportation hub located away from typical coastal ports with access to goods being distributed via air, truck and rail. Utah meets many of the essential criteria required to have an inland port, but more studies and potentially legislative action will be required to determine the ultimate viability of the project.  One of the major positive factors in a port consideration for Utah, "known as the crossroads of the West" already has rail access to four major west coastal ports in Seattle, Portland, Oakland and Los Angeles and has an international airport. 

If an inland port proves to be a viable option for Utah and the required infrastructure can be funded and developed it would be another major force for regional economic development. The best location for the inland port would be in Salt Lake City's NorthWest Quadrant near the airport with the benefit of all the new infrastructure being completed for the new State prison. 

There is a lot of excitement and buzz surrounding the possibility of an inland port here in Utah and the associated real estate development that can and will occur as a result of a new inland port. Give us a call for more information.

A good place to find additional information, studies, and resources in regards to Utah's possible Inland Port found here:

Dog Days Aren’t Over


For all of you dog-lovers out there, this blog post is dedicated to you and your four-legged furry friends! For this blog I am going to post some of the benefits owning a dog has and what you can do to share the love with them as well. So let’s spring right into the mutual benefits that having man’s best friend can reap!


Benefits for You!

  1. You’ll Exercise More

  2. You’ll Feel Less Stressed

  3. Your Social Life May Improve

  4. You May Detect Cancer Sooner

  5. Your Kids Will Be Less Like to Have Allergies

  6. Your Heart Will Be Healthier

  7. You’re Less Likely to Feel Depressed

  8. You Can Grow Old Gracefully

  9. Your Risk for General Illness Decreases

  10. You’ll Feel Safer

So what can you do for your doggo since they give you so many personal benefits? I’ll follow my trend and list 8 things that will help you keep your dogs more satisfied.

How You Can Reward Your Dog!

  1. Rotate Toys
  2. Go On Walks
  3. Train Obedience
  4. Teach New Tricks
  5. Maintain a Healthy Weight
  6. Play More
  7. Verbal and Physical Praise
  8. Try New Treats

Money can buy you a fine dog, but only love can make him wag his tail.
— K. Friedman

So there you have it. If you have a dog, now you know why they make you so dang happy and for those of you who don’t you should probably get one or five. But like a human, dogs also deserve to be treated right and these simple tips can greatly improve you and your dog’s overall well-being. Have a good week, from the IPG team and our furry friends to you and yours!


Augmented Reality Becoming a Reality


Augmented reality for consumer use is a growing trend that many people are both excited and anxious to see come to market. Augmented reality is somewhat a reverse of virtual reality. Virtual reality transports you to another place while augmented reality transports objects into “our world”. It’s uses are very powerful for everyday people and for businesses in general.


Buying + AR

Augmented reality is already underway to help ecommerce businesses such as Amazon help consumers create a custom-tailored shopping experience to increase their overall satisfaction with the products they purchase. One such example is furniture buying. An idea for using augmented reality to help this specific market is the consumer would take a picture of their room that they are considering purchasing furniture for. Next, the user will insert the furniture into “their living room” to see if they actually like the way it looks and matches other tones and pieces already in the vicinity. This could monumentally help consumers stay satisfied with these companies and keep the annoying  costly processes of returning items to a minimum.


Maps + AR

Another example of companies using augmented reality for the appeal of the market is Apple. Apple has made some pretty big acquisitions into the AR realm (4 different companies costing millions of dollars). They see it as the future of technology use and have a cool idea of how it could help users. One example is bringing animations such as a dog, cat, or other animal “into your home” without them actually being there. This would be very fun for kids who may not be allowed the opportunity to see them or play with actual pets in their homes. Another cool concept Apple was crafting was using AR for their Maps app. Users either walking on the streets or on the road would be able to hold up their phone using their camera and be able to see and identify what a building contained inside. Think of walking in New York City and wondering what that weird looking castle-esque building is across the street. A cool software innovation that combines AR and geo-processing technology could tell you the building’s name, when it was built, and what it has inside of it. Pretty cool huh.

Augmented reality is an awesome and innovative technology that is sure to transform the way the consumers and businesses go about their daily lives. In the realm of industrial commercial real estate there are some pretty exciting new implementations that we could use to help improve efficiency and time-management for companies. Keeping up to speed on these amazing technological advancements are critical for companies to stay on top of their competitors and that’s how IPG is able to deliver such great service to its clients. We know our market, utilize the latest and coolest technologies relevant to industrial real estate, and implement these tools to create value for our most valuable asset: our clients. I hope you found this article about augmented reality cool! Go check some of our other recent blogs!